STEM Pathway Courses

Scholarships sponsored by the STEP Office require that a recipient take major-level courses in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics) discipline to maintain eligibility for the scholarship.

If a scholarship recipient is a declared STEM major, any course they take to advance their progress in the major meets our scholarship criteria.  If a scholarship recipient is not a STEM major, they must select major-level courses. The following list of courses is allowable 100- and 200-level courses. All upper-level (300-400) courses in AGSC, BIOL, CHEM, and PHYS that count towards majors in those areas will fulfill scholarship requirements.

If you are participating in one of the STEP Office’s scholarship programs and you are interested in taking a course that is not listed below, please email

Agricultural Science

Course Title
AGSC 110 Principles of Plant Agriculture
AGSC 215 Principles of Animal Agriculture
AGSC 260 Agricultural Markets and Products


Course Title
BIOL 104 Ecology and Evolution of the Organism
BIOL 107 Cells, Molecules, and Genes


Course Title
CHEM 130 Chemical Principles I
CHEM 131 Chemical Principles II

Computer Science

Course Title
CS 170 Introduction to Computer Science I
CS 180 Foundations of Computer Science I
CS 181 Foundations of Computer Science II
CS 191 Computing Structures
CS 250 Systems Programming
CS 260 Object-Oriented Programming and Design
CS 291 Models of Computation

Data Science

Course Title
DS 222 Data Science

Environmental Science

Course Title
ENVS 210 Environmental Science


Course Title
MATH 198 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
MATH 200 Foundations of Mathematics
MATH 263 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II
MATH 264 Analytic Geometry and Calculus III
MATH 357 Linear Algebra


Course Title
PHYS 185 College Physics I
PHYS 186 College Physics II
PHYS 250 Modern Physics I
PHYS 275 Vibrations and Waves


Course Title
STAT 250 Statistical Computing
STAT 290 Statistics

Ineligible Courses

Course Title
BIOL 204 Introductory Microbiology
BIOL 214 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL 215 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
MATH 120 Quantitative Reasoning
MATH 156 College Algebra
MATH 157 Trigonometry
MATH 186 Precalculus
MATH 192 Essentials of Calculus
MATH 194 LAS Calculus
MATH 240 Concrete Behavioral Foundations of Mathematics
NASC 331 Science for Elementary Teachers
PHYS 245 Meteorology
STAT 190 Statistics